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Wrapic (Wireless Raspberry Pi Cluster)

Wrapic Wrapic is a Wireless Raspberry Pi Cluster that can run various containerized applications on top of full Kubernetes. What makes the cluster “wireless” is that it doesn’t need to be physically connected to a router via ethernet, instead it bridges off WiFi to receive internet—this is great for situations where the router is inaccessible.

In my setup, a single 5-port PoE switch provides power to four RPi 4B’s all of which are equipped with PoE hats. One Raspberry Pi acts as a jump box connecting to an external network through WiFi and forwarding traffic through its ethernet port; this provides the other 3 RPi’s with an internet connection and separates the cluster onto its own private network. The jump box also acts as the Kubernetes master node and all other RPi’s are considered worker nodes in the cluster. The following setup documentation assumes this described setup where the master node doubles as a jump box—if a cluster without a jump box is desired, Alex Ellis’ Kubernetes on Raspian guide may be a better fit.


Most sections include a Side Notes subsection that includes extra information for that specific section ranging from helpful commands to potential issues/solutions I encountered during my setup.

As a disclaimer, most of these steps have been adapted from multiple articles, guides, and documentations found online which have been compiled into this README for easy access and a more straightforward cluster setup. Much credit goes to Alex Ellis’ Kubernetes on Raspian repository and Tim Downey’s Baking a Pi Router guide.

Parts List

My cluster only includes 4 RPi 4B’s though there is no limit to the amount of RPi’s that can be used. If you choose to not go the PoE route, additional micro USB cables and a USB power hub will be needed to power the Pi’s.

Initial Headless Raspberry Pi Setup

In headless setup, only WiFi and ssh are used to configure the RPi’s without the need for an external monitor and keyboard. This will likely be the most tedious and time consuming part of the set up. These steps should be repeated individually for each RPi with only one RPi being connected to the network at a given time; this makes it easier to find and distinguish the RPi’s in step 5.

  1. Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit) with Raspberry Pi Imager
    • As an alternative, the Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) beta may be installed instead if you plan to use arm64 Docker images or would like to use Calico as your K8s CNI; it is important to note that the 64-bit beta is the full Raspberry Pi OS which includes the desktop GUI and therefore may contain unneeded packages/bulk
    • Another great option if an arm64 architecture is desired, is to install the officially supported 64-bit Ubuntu Server OS using the Raspberry Pi Imager
  2. Create an empty ssh file (no extension) in the root directory of the micro sd card
  3. Create a wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot folder to set up a WiFi connection

     # /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf
     ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
    • The remote machine which will be used to configure and ssh into all the RPi’s should be on the same network as declared in the above wpa_supplicant.conf
  4. Insert the micro SD card back into the RPi and power it on
  5. ssh pi@raspberrypi.local to connect to the RPi; ping raspberrypi.local may also be used to get the RPi’s IP address to run ssh pi@<ip-address>
  6. sudo raspi-config to access the RPi configuration menu for making the following recommended changes:
    • Change the password from its default raspberry
    • Change the hostname which can be used for easier ssh
    • Expand the filesystem, under advanced options, allowing full use of the SD card for the OS
    • Update the operating system to the latest version
    • Change the locale
  7. Reboot the RPi with sudo reboot
  8. Set up passwordless SSH access
    • if you already have previously generated RSA public/private keys simply execute

        ssh-copy-id <USERNAME>@<IP-ADDRESS or HOSTNAME>
  9. sudo apt-get update -y to update the package repository
  10. sudo apt-get upgrade -y to update all installed packages
  11. Disable swap with the following commands—it’s recommended to run the commands individually to prevent some errors with kubectl get later on

    sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
    sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall
    sudo systemctl disable dphys-swapfile
  12. At this point, if you want to use zsh as the default shell for your RPi check out the Install zsh w/Oh-my-zsh and Configure Plugins section, otherwise move on to the next section which sets up the jump box

Side Notes

Setting up the Jump Box and Cluster Network

The following steps will set up the RPi jump box such that it acts as a DHCP server and DNS forwarder. It is assumed that at this point all RPi’s have already been configured and are connected to the switch.


Before the jump box is set up, it’s important to delete the wpa_supplicant.conf files on all RPi’s except the jump box itself; this is because we want to force the RPi’s onto our private cluster network thats separated via our switch and jump box. The jump box will maintain its WiFi connection forwarding internet out its ethernet port and into the switch who then feeds it to the other connected RPi’s.

  1. sudo rm /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf to delete the wpa_supplicant.conf
  2. sudo reboot for changes to take effect
  3. Prior to steps 1 and 2, you could ssh into the RPi’s directly from your remote machine since they were on the same WiFi network

Jump Box Setup

  1. Set up a static IP address for both ethernet and WiFi interfaces by creating a dhcpcd.conf in /etc/

     # /etc/dhcpcd.conf
     interface eth0
     static ip_address=
     static domain_name_servers=<dns-ip-address>
     interface wlan0
     static ip_address=<static-ip-address>
     static routers=<router-ip-address>
     static domain_name_servers=<dns-ip-address>
    • A sample dhcpcd.conf is provided here
    • Note that the static IP address for wlan0 should be within the DHCP pool range on the router
  2. sudo apt install dnsmasq to install dnsmasq
  3. sudo mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.backup to backup the existing dnsmasq.conf
  4. Create a new dnsmasq config file with sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf and add the following

     # Provide a DHCP service over our eth0 adapter (ethernet port)
     # Listen on the static IP address of the RPi router
     # Declare DHCP range with an IP address lease time of 12 hours
     # 97 host addresses total (128 - 32 + 1)
     # Assign static IPs to the kube cluster members (RPi K8s worker nodes 1 to 3)
     # This will make it easier for tunneling, certs, etc.
     # Replace b8:27:eb:00:00:0X with the Raspberry Pi's actual MAC address
     # Declare name-servers (using Cloudflare's)
     # Bind dnsmasq to the interfaces it is listening on (eth0)
     # Commented out for now to help dnsmasq server start up
     # Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain part)
     # Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.
     # Use the hosts file on this machine
     # Limits name services to dnsmasq only and will not use /etc/resolv.conf
     # Uncomment to debug issues
     # log-queries
     # log-dhcp
    • Note that the listen-address is the same as the static ip-address for eth0 declared in dhcpcd.conf
    • If you have more or less than three worker nodes, declare or delete dhcp-host as needed ensuring that the correct MAC addresses are used
    • ifconfig eth0 can be used to find each RPi’s MAC address (look next to “ether”)
  5. sudo nano /etc/default/dnsmasq and add DNSMASQ_EXCEPT=lo at the end of the file
  6. sudo nano /etc/init.d/dnsmasq and add sleep 10 to the top of the file to prevent errors with booting up dnsmasq
  7. sudo reboot to reboot the RPi for dnsmasq changes to take effect
  8. ssh back into the RPi jump box and ensure that dnsmasq is running with sudo service dnsmasq status
  9. sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf and uncomment net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 to enable NAT rules with iptables
  10. Add the following iptables rules to enable port forwarding

    sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
    sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -j ACCEPT
  11. sudo apt install iptables-persistent to install iptables-persistent
  12. sudo dpkg-reconfigure iptables-persistent to re-save and persist our iptables rules across reboots

Side Notes

Install Docker and Kubernetes w/Flannel CNI

The following steps will install and configure Docker and Kubernetes on all RPi’s. This setup uses Flannel as the Kubernetes CNI although Weave Net may also be used as an alternative. Calico CNI may be swapped out for Flannel/Weave Net providing that an OS with an arm64 architecture has been installed on all RPi’s.

Worker Node Setup

These steps should be performed on all RPi’s within the cluster including the jump box/master node.

  1. Install Docker

    Install the latest version of Docker
    curl -sSL | sh && sudo usermod pi -aG docker
    Install a specific version of Docker
    export VERSION=<version> && curl -sSL | sh
    sudo usermod pi -aG docker
    • Where <version> is replaced with a specific Docker Engine version
  2. sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt and add the following to the end of the line—do not make a new line and ensure that there’s a space in front of cgroup_enable=cpuset

     cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory
  3. sudo reboot to reboot the RPi for boot changes to take effect (do not skip this step)
  4. Install Kubernetes

    Install the latest version of K8s
    curl -s | sudo apt-key add - && \
    echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list && \
    sudo apt-get update -q && \
    sudo apt-get install -qy kubeadm
    Install a specific version of K8s
    curl -s | sudo apt-key add - && \
    echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list && \
    sudo apt-get update -q && \
    sudo apt-get install -qy kubelet=<version> kubectl=<version> kubeadm=<version>
    • Where <version> is replaced with a specific K8s version; append -00 to the end of the version if it’s not already added (e.g. 1.19.5 => 1.19.5-00)
  5. sudo sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1

Master Node Setup

The following steps should be performed only on one RPi (I used the RPi jump box). This section assumes that you’re running an armhf architecture on your RPi’s and therefore will use either Flannel or Weave Net as your cluster’s CNI.

  1. sudo kubeadm config images pull -v3 to pull down the images required for the K8s master node
  2. sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf and ensure that it does not have nameserver
    • If nameserver exists, remove it and replace it with another DNS IP address that isn’t the loopback address, then double check that DNSMASQ_EXCEPT=lo has been added in /etc/default/dnsmasq to prevent dnsmasq from overwriting/adding nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf upon reboot
    • This step is crucial to prevent coredns pods from crashing upon running kubeadm init
  3. Initialize the master node and save the kubeadm join command provided after the kubeadm init finishes—note that the init command will depend on the CNI of your choosing

    sudo kubeadm init --token-ttl=0 --pod-network-cidr=
    Weave Net
    sudo kubeadm init --token-ttl=0
  4. Run following commands after kubeadm init finishes

     mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
     sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
     sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
  5. kubectl get pods -n kube-system to double check the status of all master node pods (each should have a status of “Running”)
    • If the coredns pods are failing, see the Side Notes for this section
  6. Apply the appropriate CNI config to your cluster

    kubectl apply -f
    Weave Net
    kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
  7. Run the kubeadm join command saved in step 3, on all worker nodes, an example join command is provided below

     kubeadm join --token 2t9e17.m8jbybvnnheqwwjp \
         --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:4ca2fa33d228075da93f5cb3d8337931b32c8de280a664726fe6fc73fba89563
  8. kubectl get nodes to check that all nodes were joined successfully
  9. At this point, all RPi’s should be set up and ready to run almost anything on top of K8s; however, if you’d like to expose services within your cluster for external access, follow the next section which will install a load balancer and ingress controller

Optionally, you can now follow the Kubernetes Dashboard Setup section to configure the Web UI for cluster monitoring

Side Notes

Install MetalLB and ingress-nginx

The following steps have been taken directly from MetalLB’s Installation Documentation and the nginx-ingres Bare-metal Installation Documentation.

  1. Create the metallb-system namespace with the following

     kubectl apply -f
  2. Create the MetalLB deployment with the following

     kubectl apply -f
  3. Create a memberlist secret containing the secretkey to encrypt communication between speakers

     kubectl create secret generic -n metallb-system memberlist --from-literal=secretkey="$(openssl rand -base64 128)"
  4. sudo nano metallb-config.yaml to create a MetalLB config map with layer 2 mode configuration and paste the folllowing, where addresses is an address range of your choice—this address range should not conflict with the pod network CIDR defined during kubeadm init

     apiVersion: v1
     kind: ConfigMap
     namespace: metallb-system
     name: config
     config: |
         - name: default
         protocol: layer2
         # sample address range 
  5. kubectl apply -f metallb-config.yaml to apply the configuration and start MetalLB
  6. kubectl get pods -n metallb-system to ensure that all pods are running
  7. Install ingress-nginx with the command below

     kubectl apply -f
  8. Edit the ingress-nginx-controller and change spec.type from NodePort to LoadBalancer

     kubectl edit service ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress-nginx
  9. kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx to ensure that all ingress-nginx pods are running and all jobs (create/patch) completed successfully
  10. Verify that the ingress controller is working properly by doing the following

    kubectl get service -n ingress-nginx
    # two services should be displayed: LoadBalancer and ClusterIP
    # copy the external-ip of your LoadBalancer
    # the external-ip should be within the address range of assigned in metallb-config.yaml
    curl http://<lb-external-ip>
    # curl should return html displaying "404 Not Found"
    # this indicates that the ingress-nginx-controller received the request and attempted to direct it to the correct pod
    # we have confirmed that our nginx ingress controller is working
    <!-- sample response after curling the ingress-nginx LoadBalancer -->
    <head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
    <center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
  11. Add the following urls to iptables to forward http/https traffic from wlan0 to the LoadBalancer’s external-ip

    sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to <lb-external-ip>:80
    sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to <lb-external-ip>:443
    # persis the iptables rules across reboots
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure iptables-persistent

Side Notes

Extra Configurations

This section includes instructions for various installations and configurations that are optional, but may be useful for your cluster needs.

Install zsh w/Oh-my-zsh and Configure Plugins

  1. sudo apt-get install zsh to install Z shell (zsh)
  2. chsh -s $(which zsh) to install default shell to zsh
  3. sudo apt-get install git wget to install git and wget packages
    • make sure to install git and not git-all because git-all will replace systemd with sysv consequently stopping both Docker and K8s processes; if you did accidentally install git-all see Side Notes below
  4. Install Oh-my-zsh framework

     wget -O - | zsh
     cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc
     source .zshrc
  5. Install zsh syntax highlighting plugin

     git clone
     mv zsh-syntax-highlighting ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins
     echo "source ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc
  6. Install zsh auto-suggestions plugin

     git clone
     mv zsh-autosuggestions ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
  7. sudo nano ~/.zshrc and modify the plugin list to include the following

     plugins=(git docker kubectl zsh-autosuggestions)
  8. source .zshrc to refresh shell
  9. Install Powerlevel10k theme

     git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
  10. sudo nano ~/.zshrc and set theme to powerlevel10k

  11. source .zshrc and go through the p10k setup process

Side Notes

Kubernetes Dashboard Setup

This is a quick way to set up, run, and access the Kubernetes Dashboard remotely from another host outside the cluster network such as the computer used to ssh into the RPi cluster. These steps have been adapted from the official Kubernetes Dashabord documentation and Oracle’s Access the Kubernetes Dashboard guide.

  1. Deploy the K8s dashboard from the master node with the following command

     kubectl apply -f
  2. kubectl proxy to start the proxy forwarding traffic to the internal pod where the dashboard is running
  3. Use the command below to get the Bearer token needed to log in to the dashboard; alternatively, a sample user with a corresponding Bearer token can be created by following this guide

     kubectl -n kube-system describe $(kubectl -n kube-system \
     get secret -n kube-system -o name | grep namespace) | grep token:
  4. Run the following command from the remote device where the dashboard will be accessed; replace <username> with username of the master node (the default is pi) and ip-address with the ip address of the master node’s ip (may use ifconfig wlan0 if the master node is the jump box)

     ssh -L 8001: <username>@<ip-address>
  5. Navigate to the following address on the remote device to access the dashboard UI

  6. Select the “Token” login option, paste the value of the token received in step 3, and click “Sign in”

Install Calico CNI

Side Notes

Configure iTerm Window Arrangement and Profiles

Install Prometheus and Grafana

This section deploys Prometheus and Grafana to your cluster and exposes them externally through an Ingress. While there are many ways to deploy Prometheus and Grafana to K8s the kube-prometheus project makes this significantly easier without needing Helm or writing any yamls; unfortunately, kube-prometheus does not currently use Docker images that have support for armhf and will therefore fail to properly deploy on an armhf RPi cluster. Fortunately, Carlos Eduardo’s cluster-monitoring project has ported the kube-prometheus project to armhf which is what will be used in the following steps to deploy Prometheus and Grafana.

  1. git clone && cd cluster-monitoring
  2. sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y golang to install go which is needed for some of the make commands
    • sudo apt-get install -y build-essential if make is not installed
  3. ifconfig wlan0 on the RPi jump box to get the cluster’s external ip address (used in the next step)
  4. Configure the yaml files that will deploy Prometheus and Grafana to your cluster; follow the appropriate section if you’d like to record and display temperature metrics

    With Temperature Metrics
    # edit vars.jsonnet to enable temp metrics and configure the ingress ip address
    nano vars.jsonnet
    # set "enabled" to true for "armExporter" under "modules"
    # set "suffixDomain" to the ip address found in step 3 and append "" to the end of it
    # e.g. =>
    make vendor
    make deploy
    Without Temperature Metrics
    # replace <ip-address> with the ip address found in step 3
    make change_suffix suffix=<ip-address>
    make deploy
    • If an error occurs will applying the manifests rerun make deploy or kubectl apply -f manifests/
  5. If you haven’t already, add the following urls to iptables to forward http and https traffic from wlan0 to the LoadBalancer’s external-ip which can be found by running kubectl get ingress -n ingress-nginx

     sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to <lb-external-ip>:80
     sudo iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to <lb-external-ip>:443
     sudo dpkg-reconfigure iptables-persistent
  6. kubectl get ingress -n monitoring to get the external URLs (the “” addresses) to access Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana from outside the cluster
  7. kubectl get pods -n monitoring to ensure that all pods are running properly
  8. Check out Jeff Geerling’s RPi Cluster Episode 4 video as he walks through a very similar setup proccess on camera and shows how to configure the custom Grafana dashboard that comes with the cluster-monitoring project (around 17:19 minute mark)

Side Notes

Install EFK Stack (Elasticsearch, Fluent Bit, Kibana)

This section deploys Fluent Bit to the RPi K8s cluster and installs Elasticsearch and Kibana on a reachable host outside the cluster. Unfortunately, the ELK stack currently has Docker images that supports only arm64 and amd64 architectures (theoretically, the full ELK stack could be run on an RPi K8s cluster providing that each node runs on an arm64 architecture); while custom armhf Docker images could be built for the ELK stack, it’s a lot easier to just run ELK on another host outside the cluster network that has a 64 bit architecture. One major benefit to running both Elasticsearch and Kibana outside of the cluster is that it will not add extra CPU/memory load to the cluster—this is especially important if you have plans to run other resource intensive services.

Fluent Bit was choosen over Fluentd because it was a more lightweight solution over Fluentd that required less resources to run optimally within the cluster; it is important to note that while Fluentd has Docker images that support armhf, the Fluentd Kubernetes DaemonSet images needed for Fluentd to push logs to Elasticsearch does not have armhf support. Richard Youngkin talks about this in his guide, K8s Application Monitoring on a RPi Cluster and has already created a Docker image that can be used to run Fluentd on armhf with Elasticsearch. The following steps have been adapted from Fluent Bit’s Kubernetes Guide and installation documentation on MacOS with brew for Elasticsearch and Kibana.

  1. On an external host outside the cluster that is on the same LAN as the RPi jump box (e.g. the laptop used to ssh into the cluster), execute the following commands to install Elasticsearch and Kibana (for MacOS only); for Linux and Windows, follow Installing Elasticsearch and Installing Kibana to download both packages as a zip

     # MacOS only
     # add the elastic repository to brew
     brew tap elastic/tap
     # install elasticsearch
     brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full
     # install kibana
     brew install elastic/tap/kibana-full
  2. Get the ip address of the external host which Elasticsearch and Kibana will be run on (use ifconfig); this is important so that we can bind localhost to an actual ip address which Fluent Bit can access from within the cluster in later steps
  3. Execute the script (pass in the ip address found in the previous step) located in this repository to configure Elasticsearch and Kibana if they were installed via brew for MacOS; for Linux and Windows navigate to the config/ folder in the unzipped Elasticsearch and Kibana packages to make the following changes

    # use this script if Elasticsearch and Kibana were installed via brew
    ./ <ip-address>
    # for Linux/Windows, use the manual method below
    # in config/elasticsearch.yml, add the following under the "Network" section
    # replace <ip-address> with the ip found in step 2
    network.bind_host: <ip-address>
    http.port: 9200 localhost
    transport.tcp.port: 9300
    # in config/kibana.yml, uncomment and modify the following 
    # replace <ip-address> with the ip found in step 2
    elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://<ip-address>:9200"]
  4. In two separate terminal windows run elasticsearch and kibana using the following commands

     # for MacOS (installed by brew)
     # in first window run
     # in second window run
     # for Linux
     # navigate to the unzipped elasticsearch package
     # in first window run
     # navigate to the unzipped kibana package
     # in second window run
     # for Windows
     # naviate to the unzipped elasticsearch package
     # in first window run
     # naviate to the unzipped kibana package
     # in second window run
  5. curl http://<ip-address>:9200 where <ip-address> is the ip found in step 2, to check if Elasticsearch is running properly
  6. Navigate to <ip-address>:5601/status to check if Kibana is running properly
  7. Run the following commands to create a logging namespace and configure the cluster for Fluent Bit

     kubectl create namespace logging
     kubectl apply -f
     kubectl apply -f
     kubectl apply -f
     kubectl apply -f
  8. Configure the Fluent Bit DaemonSet then apply it to all nodes within the cluster

     # retrieve the Fluent Bit DaemonSet yaml and save it to a file
     curl -o fluent-bit-ds.yaml
     # edit the Fluent Bit DaemonSet yaml and make the following changes as described above
     nano fluent-bit-ds.yaml
     # apply the edited DaemonSet to the cluster
     kubectl apply -f fluent-bit-ds.yaml
  9. kubectl get pods -n logging to ensure that all Fluent Bit pods are running properly and are forwarding logs to Elasticsearch
  10. You should now start to see logs in Kibana after an index is created under the “Discover” page

Side Notes
